Have you ever had that gut feeling, that inexplicable knowing that something just feels right (or wrong)? That, my friends, is your intuition speaking. I've spent years learning to trust my intuition and connect with my inner voice, and I'm here to share my journey with you. In this post, I'll guide you through the process of honing your psychic guidance and learning to trust your intuition.
My Journey to Trusting My Intuition
I remember the first time I really paid attention to my intuition. I was fresh out of college, interviewing for my first "real" job. On paper, the position looked perfect – great salary, impressive title, fancy office. But as I sat in the waiting room, a feeling of unease washed over me. My inner voice was practically screaming, "This isn't right for you!"
Being young and eager to please, I ignored that voice. I took the job, and guess what? It was a disaster. I was miserable, the work didn't align with my values, and I left after just six months. That experience taught me a valuable lesson: my intuition knew what was best for me, even when my logical mind couldn't see it.
Understanding Intuition: More Than Just a Gut Feeling
Before we dive into how to trust your intuition, let's talk about what it actually is. Intuition isn't just some mystical sixth sense – it's your brain processing information on a subconscious level. It's like a supercomputer running in the background, analyzing patterns and making connections that your conscious mind might miss.
When you get a "gut feeling" or a sudden insight, that's your intuition tapping you on the shoulder, saying, "Hey, pay attention to this!" Learning to listen to and trust these messages is key to connecting with your inner voice.
As Carl Jung, the renowned psychologist, once said:
"Intuition does not denote something contrary to reason, but something outside of the province of reason." [1]
This quote beautifully encapsulates the idea that intuition is not opposing logic, but rather complementing it with insights that our rational mind might not immediately grasp.
Recent scientific studies have also shed light on the power of intuition. For instance, a study published in the journal Psychological Science found that intuitive decision-making can be more effective than analytical thinking in certain situations [4]. Another study in the Journal of Neuroscience discovered that the brain can pick up on subliminal information to inform intuitive decisions [5].
5 Steps to Trusting Your Intuition
1. Practice Mindfulness
The first step in trusting your intuition is simply being aware of it. Mindfulness meditation has been a game-changer for me. By taking just 10 minutes a day to sit quietly and observe my thoughts, I've become much more attuned to the subtle whispers of my intuition.
Try this: Set aside time each day to sit quietly. Focus on your breath, and when thoughts arise, simply observe them without judgment. Over time, you'll start to recognize the difference between your chattering mind and your intuitive voice.
2. Keep an Intuition Journal
One of the best ways I've found to strengthen my connection with my inner voice is by keeping an intuition journal. Every day, I write down any hunches, gut feelings, or intuitive hits I experience.
For example, last month I had a strong feeling that I should call my old friend Sarah, even though we hadn't spoken in years. I made the call, and it turned out she was going through a tough time and really needed support. By recording these experiences, I've built up evidence of my intuition at work, which helps me trust it more.
3. Listen to Your Body
Our bodies often know things before our minds do. Pay attention to physical sensations when you're making decisions or considering different options. Do you feel a sense of expansion and lightness, or contraction and heaviness?
I've learned to tune into these physical cues. When I'm on the right path, I often feel a warm, expansive sensation in my chest. When something's off, I might feel a tightness in my stomach. These bodily sensations are powerful forms of psychic guidance.
4. Take Small Intuitive Actions
Start small. Make low-stakes decisions based on your intuition and see what happens. Maybe you have a hunch about trying a new coffee shop or taking a different route to work. Act on these impulses and notice the outcomes.
I started doing this a few years ago, and it's amazing how often these small intuitive actions lead to unexpected positive experiences. Once, I followed a spontaneous urge to attend a local art fair, even though I had other plans. There, I met someone who ended up becoming a close friend and valuable business contact.
5. Reflect and Learn
After you've acted on your intuition, take time to reflect. Did things turn out as you expected? Even if they didn't, what did you learn from the experience?
I make it a habit to review my intuition journal every month. This practice has shown me that even when outcomes aren't what I anticipated, following my intuition always leads to growth and valuable lessons.
Enhancing Your Intuition with Spiritual Aids
While developing your intuition is primarily an internal process, many people find that certain spiritual aids can help create an environment conducive to intuitive insights. Here are some that I've found helpful in my own practice:
Crystals for Intuition
Certain crystals are believed to enhance intuitive abilities. Some popular choices include:
Amethyst: Known as a stone of spiritual awareness and intuition.
Lapis Lazuli: Said to stimulate wisdom and good judgment.
Moonstone: Believed to strengthen one's inner vision.
I often keep a small piece of amethyst on my desk while I'm working, or hold a moonstone during meditation. While the scientific evidence for crystal healing is limited, many find them to be powerful focusing tools.

Herbs for Clarity and Intuition
Certain herbs have long been associated with enhancing mental clarity and intuition. Some options to consider include:
Mugwort: Traditionally used to promote vivid dreams and intuitive visions.
Rosemary: Known to improve memory and mental clarity.
Lavender: Often used for relaxation, which can help quiet the mind and allow intuitive thoughts to surface.
You might try drinking these as teas, using them in aromatherapy, or simply keeping the dried herbs nearby during meditation or journaling sessions.
Remember, while these aids can be helpful tools, the real power of intuition comes from within you. As Sonia Choquette, a world-renowned intuitive, writes in her book "Trust Your Vibes":
"Your intuition is the most honest, unbiased friend you will ever have." [2]
Overcoming Doubts and Trusting Your Inner Voice
Let's be real – learning to trust your intuition isn't always easy. We live in a society that values logic and reason above all else. It can feel scary to make decisions based on something as intangible as a "feeling."
I've certainly had my moments of doubt. There have been times when I've second-guessed my intuition, only to regret not listening to it later. But here's what I've learned: your intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.
One technique that's helped me overcome doubts is to ask myself, "What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?" This question often cuts through the noise of fear and self-doubt, allowing my true intuitive wisdom to shine through.
In "The Gift of Fear," Gavin de Becker emphasizes the importance of trusting our instincts, especially in potentially dangerous situations:
"Intuition is always right in at least two important ways: It is always in response to something. It always has your best interest at heart." [3]
This reminder can be particularly powerful when we're second-guessing ourselves. Our intuition is there to protect and guide us, even if we don't always understand its messages immediately.
The Power of Psychic Guidance in Daily Life
As I've deepened my connection with my intuition, I've come to see it as a form of psychic guidance available to us all. This inner knowing can inform every aspect of our lives – from major life decisions to everyday choices.
For instance, I now use my intuition in my work as a writer. When I'm stuck on a project, instead of forcing myself to push through, I'll take a break and tune into my inner voice. Often, I'll receive a flash of inspiration or a new perspective that helps me move forward.
In my personal life, trusting my intuition has led me to deeper, more authentic relationships. I'm better able to sense when someone is being genuine or when they might have hidden motives. This has helped me surround myself with people who truly support and uplift me.
Balancing Intuition with Logic
While I'm a big advocate for trusting your intuition, I also believe in the power of balance. Intuition shouldn't replace logical thinking – instead, they should work together.
I like to think of it as a partnership between my heart (intuition) and my head (logic). When making important decisions, I check in with both. Does this choice feel right intuitively? And does it also make sense logically?
For example, when I was considering starting my own business, my intuition was all for it. I felt excited and energized by the idea. But I didn't just leap in blindly. I also did my research, created a business plan, and considered the practical aspects. By combining intuitive guidance with logical planning, I set myself up for success.
Nurturing Your Intuitive Gifts
The more you work with your intuition, the more you might discover that you have specific intuitive or psychic gifts. Some people are naturally clairvoyant (clear seeing), while others might be more clairaudient (clear hearing) or clairsentient (clear feeling).
For me, I've found that I'm particularly clairsentient. I often pick up on the emotions and energies of others, which has made me a more empathetic friend and a better listener. Recognizing and nurturing these gifts can open up new dimensions in your intuitive practice.
Intuition in Challenging Times
One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is how powerful intuition can be during challenging times. When life gets tough, it's easy to get caught up in fear and anxiety. But these are precisely the moments when connecting with your inner voice is most crucial.
During a particularly difficult period in my life – a painful breakup followed by a career setback – my intuition became my lifeline. By tuning into my inner guidance, I was able to navigate this turbulent time with more grace and resilience than I thought possible.
I started each day by asking my intuition, "What do I need to know today?" Sometimes the answer was practical – "Update your resume" or "Call your sister." Other times, it was more about self-care – "Take a day off" or "Go for a long walk in nature." Following these intuitive prompts helped me not just survive this challenging period, but emerge from it stronger and clearer about my path forward.
The Ongoing Journey of Intuitive Living
Trusting your intuition and connecting with your inner voice isn't a one-time achievement – it's an ongoing journey. Even now, after years of practice, I still have moments of doubt or times when I struggle to hear my intuitive voice clearly.
But that's okay. Like any skill, intuitive living requires patience, practice, and compassion for yourself. Some days, your connection will feel crystal clear. Other days, it might feel muddled or distant. The key is to keep showing up, keep listening, and keep trusting the process.
Conclusion: Your Intuition, Your Superpower
Learning to trust your intuition is like discovering a superpower you've had all along. It's your inner GPS, your personal coach, your wisest advisor all rolled into one. By cultivating this connection with your inner voice, you're opening yourself up to a life guided by your deepest wisdom.
Remember, your intuition is uniquely yours. What it feels like, how it communicates, and how you interpret its messages will be personal to you. Embrace this individuality. Trust that your intuition knows what's best for you, even when it doesn't make sense to anyone else.
As you embark on or continue your journey of intuitive living, be patient with yourself. Celebrate the times when you successfully follow your intuition, and be gentle with yourself when you struggle. Each experience, whether it feels like a success or a misstep, is an opportunity to deepen your connection with your inner voice.
I invite you to start today. Take a moment right now to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask your intuition, "What do I need to know right now?" The answer might surprise you.
Trust your intuition. Listen to your inner voice. Follow your psychic guidance. Your wisest self is always there, ready to lead you towards your best life. All you need to do is listen.
Jung, C. G. (1933). Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Harcourt Harvest.
Choquette, S. (2013). Trust Your Vibes: Secret Tools for Six-Sensory Living. Hay House Inc.
De Becker, G. (1997). The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence. Dell Publishing.